Genre: Gigi, Lea Dria, Spanking F on F, Spanking Sorority Girls, SpankingSororityGirls, Teacher Snow
Video Description: Strict Teacher Snow Mercy has discovered that students Gigi Lea and Dria got the exact same answers on the test, right and wrong answers. It was not a passing grade either. So she will spank each student until one confesses to copying off the other. Gigi goes first, as her curvy bottom is turned bright red with hand and wooden ruler.
Genre: Teacher Snow, Stevie Rose, Spanking, Spanked, BDSM
Video Description: Stevie Rose agreed to take the punishment for fighting with Dani, and now it is time. Teacher Snow can deliver harsh punishment, as Stevie discovers over her knee, getting a sound hand spanking before getting spanked with a large wooden rule. Her bottom becomes quite red and sore and she regrets how this all went down.